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I've been wanting to start a book blog for a while now but I just can't seem to get it right. Honestly, I suck at it. I couldn't find the strength to pull that nerve and work on the graphics. But hey, I was browsing through random book blogs while stalking looking at a few of my favorites, I discovered BookLikes. Turns out, it's a website for book blogging. And for reviewing. I hope this gets better with all its Tumblr-ness!

Review: Shades of Earth by Beth Revis

Shades of Earth - Beth Revis

I shall warn thou that mild spoilers are scattered on almost every brink of this review (except for those huge revelations to which I tagged as spoilers).

3.5 stars

“But there’s a difference, isn’t there? Between saying goodbye and death.”


Have you ever been in love with a series that just hits you incorrigibly in the heart and you just stare at the cover with a myriad of perplexed thoughts? Finishing Shades of Earth was disorienting and unbelievable but at the same time relieving. It started right off where A Million Suns ended and it went on from there. There was definitely a whole lot of action going on within the characters, most especially after learning the truth that Centauri-Earth was just within their reach and the story itself invest on another huge world-building (after landing on Centauri-Earth) miens. It was fast-paced and every chapter ended with a bunch of cliffhangers hence I found it very hard to take a break whilst reading this lest another cyclopean clandestineness might be disported. There were also a lot of revelations being divulged in the book. Most of them had a part in connecting to what was really the exact mystery, however, there were still a huge number of the revelations that just didn’t fit and a majority of them were just fillers. But even so, the plot didn’t fall flat. Although it wasn’t that horrific since there were still moments wherein I indulge myself in the new world they had discovered, but it wasn’t appealing to me as much as the first book did. I could say though that I had shared a few frustrated moments within the story as well as the insensible and terrifying silent scream I let out after reading the whole Elder-Amy hormonal kick-ins. They had sex. OH GOSH.

The reason why Shades of Earth forced me to push my decision of giving it a 3.5 rating instead of a 4 or a 5 that I was kind of expecting:

The love triangle. Right along the lines of Across the Universe, I already knew (and accepted that mere fact) that the series wasn’t going to dive headfirst into a sea of love interests. While there were some circumstances wherein Elder and Amy beholds their love for each other discreetly and protectively against each other as if they’re afraid one wrong step forward might crash the foundation they had already built upon the walls of their so-called “friendship”, it didn’t really affect me as much as the other contemporary romance would. But comparing the two genres might be a different story.
In Shades of Earth, Amy had found another companion, a young military dude who might just be a few years older than Amy. Now, what was interesting about this character (at least, to Amy’s perceptions) was his eccentric blue eyes. They were bluer than the bluest of the blue. UGH. And I hated the fact that this was the reason why she was easily attracted to him. Was it really that necessary for the author to add another character when the main protagonists themselves weren’t even sure about their incongruous feelings? It didn’t make sense, really. The whole point of trying to distract the readers by using this love triangle adage didn’t work out as what the author might have expected. It came out depthless, shoal and weak. There wasn’t a connection between Amy and that annoying blue-eyed guy named Chris. (How unfortunate because every time I read his name, I keep imagining Chris Hemsworth and it’s not fair. A guy named Chris is supposed to be a good guy.)

It only frustrated me at its most and I just can’t bear to look at the dreadful attraction that Amy and Chris. I was glad it didn’t happen in the end. Above all, it was totally unnecessary.
What I did love about the story however was the tension going on in the new planet. From the moment when they sank deeper into Centauri-Earth’s atmosphere, it was as if you could sense something was going wrong. Even when the story was just beginning to take a toll into the whole new world-building fiasco, there was already an epic-ness to its existence. I loved the mysteries and the puzzles and everything in between.

Apart from that, I also loved the bit where Elder took a turn for things and decided to break his promise to Amy. I had felt every raw emotion coming from Amy’s point of view. It was such a heartbreaking, not to mention a heart-stopping phenomenon, that it made me shed a tear or so. I think it just made my eyes water. WHATEVER. For a moment I thought it was the end. That Elder wasn’t coming back. That this was going to be just another last book of a good series that the main character dies. If it weren’t for the last chapter, the one where I hoped I’d see Elder again, I don’t know what to do. So, thank you, Beth Revis, for considering how awful it is to get your main character to die all of a sudden. I LOVED THE TWIST!

Amy and Elder had grown so much over the past books and I adored their love for each other, the way they handled every situations and get on with it as the day goes by. The faith that they had was unbelievable. It struck me the most to realize that after several―probably a hundred or so―castigations and hindrances, they still had each other.
While the series wasn’t perfect, it was definitely fast-paced, full of action and everything was just ready to pounce at a certain moment. The tension it brought me was enjoyable all throughout and that, for me, was a factor to a successful series. There wasn’t a moment in this ground-breaking trilogy wherein I found myself bored and unenthusiastic. It threw me off into a whirlwind of excitement and the lusting power of incredibility.
It is pretty sad to see the series come to an end. Unfortunately, nothing is permanent. But I know, deep-down, that my obsession with the series isn’t comparable to any other. It’s just…I can’t say more without thinking of missing everyone.

The ending was sweet, totally uplifting and cute. At first I was like, “WHAT? THAT’S IT? NO MORE ‘WE’RE PUSHING YOU TO A BATTLE, YOU FREXING FRX LUNATICS!’? WELL THAT’S FULL OF SHITE―” but when I reread the chapter again, I told myself that it didn’t matter if a war breaks between the two opposing planets. It didn’t matter at all. Because I know that with Elder beside Amy, nothing was going to stop them.

Now, excuse me as I unload a whole box-full of tissues and pretend to cry, just so I have these feelings of disheartened disposition after reading a good trilogy with a happy ending.

Review: A Million Suns

A Million Suns - Beth Revis


Rating: 4 Stars

"And here we are, in the middle surrounded by a sea of stars.
A million suns.
Any of them could hold a planet.
Any of them could hold a home.
But all of them are out of reach."

My Rating: Honestly, it took me quite a while before I got to reach the second book for the trilogy. It was back in 2011, I think. Mainly because I didn't have my iPad then and I haven't really been introduced into the World of Kindle which is such a pure disdain. Sigh. So, there were times when I literally forgot some terms that had been used, like Frex and Phydus (which is probably the most important element in the story that I so carelessly forgot). But whatever. I didn't care about anything, just that it's a book and I fell in love with the first one.

The Cover: It would do. Nothing much to say here since I wasn't that merrily impressed by it or that horrified by its existence. But I love the galaxy pinch to it though. It reminds me of Tumblr and all its epic glory-ness. Oh well. Moving on.

Overall Plot: To sum things up, a lot of ruckus had been going on and on in circles in my head and I've been sitting pointlessly, staring at the ceiling right after I finished the last chapter, practically losing my breath. And suddenly, the magical realms of my bedroom ceiling looked appealing. I was unable to write a coherent review for this one. Apparently, a lot of stuff happened. And I have no idea where to start.

Let's see. There's this thing inside the Godspeed that is all about:

But then, here goes the saying:

Sometimes it gets really-amazing-OMG-I-can't-stop but the consistency of its grandiloquent emprise gets frustrating at times that I get to have these bush-league sessions wherein I indulge myself in lubber pleasure (translation: I don't like the mean guys, at all). So, when the bad people came out to show off their pleasantries, I have to gradually drag myself over the pages. It was a begrudging journey, nonetheless.

A Million Suns (or Across the Universe, for that matter) is a kind of book that doesn't converge in the melancholy and serendipity of love affairs. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A SCI-FI/YOUNG ADULT LOVE SHITS, IT AIN'T HERE. BETTER SAVE YOURSELF THAN SORRY. IT DOES, HOWEVER, DEPICTS A JOURNEY THAT GETS YOUR THIGH-HIGH BOOTS KNOCKED UP ABOVE THE NOTCH. The love story that happened here wasn't one of those kiss-deprived characters (which I undeniably like) that usually flaunts about in a certain story (okay, in most stories) but it contained itself shut in a tiny container, only letting out tidbits of fluffy moments. Although it did have some weak points from time to time, the vast expense it travelled, taking the time knowing each other better, and the expostulation they both had to unravel and decipher was not only a piece of an ice cake perfection but rather that tiny cherry on top -- which, in other words, convey undisputed love that would remain true and intact forever.

However, as I humored myself deeper into the plot, I thought that it was a bit tad predictable to know Doc was doing inexplicable. Probably among the lines of enigmatic chastism and retribution. There was no surprise there for me. In Across the Universe, he already proved his worth and how unlikely he was to be trusted above all other things.

I knew Orion was just as rotten as Doc. I hadn't really believed him that much as he sent Amy out on a crazy game, sorting out the mems and floppies he set aside for her, only then to be discovered that they had been tapped by Doc which in turn remained to stay loyal to Orion. It was confusing but as soon as the revelation (I'm guessing it's not yet the final lie) went out, I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath. And made me look like this:

Which by the way looks like someone who just got chased by ducks.

That was how the story got me. Especially when it got really intense and I got the kick for the thrill it offered. I really fancied the idea of each clue that Orion gave and that Amy and Elder had to run off and seek out answers.

And now that they finally discovered that they were just orbiting around Centauri-Earth made me lose (just a bit) my edge. I HAVEN'T BEEN THIS FREAKIN' EXCITED FOR A BOOK ALL MY LIFE! Excuse me while I *sniff* *sniff* grab a box of tissue.


Characters: I appreciated how the characters were strong but at the same time weak and that they needed dependence. What I liked the most about them was that they weren't superfluously described in between chapters. They weren't called as hot or God-like or heavenly. They weren't called for perfection. They were flawed, they created mistakes and they weren't proficient. I was satisfied enough knowing what her hair color was like, how red it was or how it shined against the solar lamps, what Elder looked like, not bothering to overlook those layers of space clothes just to know if he had a six-pack. The idea alone that the two characters instantly clicked right at the beginning was a great remnant of what a real story was about.

On the Alternating POVs: I don't usually like these kind of chapters as to how easily I get confused when the characters started talking. Like say, for example, the Allegiant book by Veronica Roth. (But I'm not about to compare the two as I hate discriminating another piece of work). Although this book wasn't near to accuracy (since I still get confused between POVs), the dangling perfection is there.
Who needs a perfect book anyway? Just as long as you sit there, begin reading and see how it all unravels, you witness the energy it gives off, judging by its cover alone. If I like it, I stay completely glued. If I don't, I close it.




I shalt thou proclaim my peace and move on with the last book.

Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins “So what do I wish for? Something I'm not sure I want? Someone I'm not sure I need? Or someone I know I can't have?”


My Rating: 5 stars

Everything was just really, really, really cute. It’s like I can’t even find enough words to say what I exactly think after finishing the book. Because basically, everything is mushed up in my brain right now and I could not, not even for a sliver of a second, think straight. Which makes this review so hard to write. Plus there’s St. Clair. Ohmyfreakinggods. Etienne St. Clair. In Paris. Hot guy. Gorgeous body. Need I say more?

The Cover: Meh. The only reason I picked this book was because of the good reviews it got from everyone. And I’ve always liked YA category, complete with humoristic sense of chockablock paragraphs. Plus, the whole deal was a cynosure in the city of love, Paris and it had always been my dream to fly there. What kind of girl doesn’t? Aside from being completely turned-off with the photoshopped-slash-unrealistic-slash-boring cover, I was totally deranged to have Etienne’s face cropped. And Anna was so much different than how I pictured her. Honestly, this would have done better for a pretty cover.


Overall Plot: I liked how the story went. There was a lot of drama in it but even so, it didn’t feel forced or too surreal to believe in. Everyone was genuine in his or her own way. It was cliché, yes, in a way, but the hackneyed concept of it was gladly hidden behind all those inexplicable glamour that just sets everything burning. It was like I couldn’t stop reading and my mind was just shouting: “Keep reading! Keep reading!” And even when my eyes started to hurt and I had to blink back tears because I was already very sleepy, it was very hard not to tear my eyes away from the pages. It was just plain lovely.

I had always wanted to be in a boarding school abroad, somewhere probably in Europe, and I get to have all these English classmates or French roommates. And I also get to experience different places, try new cultures and just be someone else. While I was reading this, I felt triumphant and very proud of myself. Because even though I really, REALLY, suck at French (and failing it, such a shame), I understood a few basic phrases. I mean, I thought I didn’t learn anything from a class I so hate but love! I learned a lot from the story, like the French cultures and how they don’t wear white shoes (apparently only Americans wear them, so they say). I’m part Russian and part American but I don’t believe a race had to be discriminated by the choice of shoes they wear.

But I can’t deny that I had a lot of laughs whilst reading. There was so much sarcasm and it was killing me with fits of giggles. And I shalt warn thou, don’t ever try to read this while you’re in a public place. Why? This makes you smile out of nowhere, snicker when everyone else is serious (who knows, someone could be dying in front of you) and laugh out loud when everything is as silent as a cockroach. Be in your room and create your own world full of Etienne St. Clairs.

I named my world Etiennelandia.


Not so original is it?

Characters: I fell in love with the characters right from the start. They were so genuine and true to everything and I adore them for that. Anna was a character just as strong as everyone else was. She had her doubts but she proved it in the end that what she worked hard on was worth it. She was such a strong character that she didn’t disappoint me all throughout. She made some mistakes but she knew how to make up for them.

Don’t get me started with Etienne.


Aah. The power of such perfection. It deranges me in every imaginable way. Oh, how I love to imagine his soft hair, his kisses, everything about him. I’m having a huge hangover after that trip to Paris with Anna, Mer, Josh and Rashmi. I couldn’t get St. Clair out of my head. He was all I think about. But the more I think about it, Ellie starts creeping out. Her hands on his hair, her lips on his mouth, on his neck, on his stomach, and Etienne doing the same. Oh god. I’m turning into some psycho-dude that talks trash about some fictional character that doesn’t even know I exist. What’s wrong with me?!

In short: Etienne is so HOT. Multiply that to a thousand.

So, in order for me to move on and accept the fact that Etienne is totally dibs on Banana Elephant, I’ll make myself some chocolat chaud and imagine flying back to Paris, France, right there in Point Zero, standing on the circle and making a wish:
Please don’t let my pretty mother get me striped socks for Christmas. She knows I hate those stuffs but she loves to buy them for me because I make such pleasing sounds of annoyance. Thanks.

Au revoir!

Society Girls: A Novel

Society Girls: A Novel - Sarah Mason I always know that when I don't like a book, a lot of things shift around in my head, creating some irrational and sudden decisions about other things at random rather than focusing on the book at my hands. And that's exactly what happened to me. It just. . . it didn't occur to me no matter how hard I try to will myself. It just didn't happen. I always feel bad about it.


In all honesty, when I shut down a book when I'm still on the first thirty pages, it feels like I let the whole world down. It's sad but when the moment I try to force it, the words stumble and everything looks blurry and obscured.


But if I am to say an honest opinion about Society Girls, I did not enjoy it. I did not hate it but I did not enjoy it as much either. Confidentially, this isn't my type of genre. Okay, I'm being totally bias and this whole review just doesn't make sense but I'm going to point out what I feel.

There were some parts in which I did crack a smile or sneak out a small giggle here and there but most of it were just plain words, mixed together until it came down to a point when it got all jumbled together and the whole deal was just nonsensical. And it took so long before the plot actually happened. Where's the fun in that?


I'm not going to judge the author based on the first few pages I had only read so I'm not going to sink the boat any further. I'm sure that this would appeal to readers who take a lot of interest with chick-lit genres (and add in a huge chunk of mystery dibs). A book isn't always for everyone. Half of the people don't always get along with it all the time.

The Elite

The Elite - Kiera Cass What struck me the most with this book is the cover itself. To say it was glorious was totally underrated. It was beyond majestic. I always had this keen sense for pretty girls in pretty covers and some (okay, most of them) turned out to be tragically devastating as soon as I started reading them. And mostly, I couldn't even get past fifty pages.

Needless to say, I did not enjoy this as much as I had expected myself to -- just like what happened to me after reading The Selection. The plot wasn't that bad but I did not like it either. Such a disappointment. I had expected a lot more. This book only gave me more reasons to hate The Selection (the actual game, not the book). I've always been in Team Maxon but after knowing more about him, his family and the deep secrets that lie between the castle grounds, I was inching myself farther and farther. I was beginning to reconsider asshole Aspen.

I only gave it a 1.5 for the pretty girl and the pretty dress.

Sisters in Sanity

Sisters in Sanity - Gayle Forman WARNING: This book generally contains and depicts scenes which tug heartstrings and well your eyes so much that it typically itches and you just can't stop staring at the ceiling, contemplating about the memorable characters that have to say goodbye upon ending the book, the massive emotions that sail along the plot lines, and the incredible journey you have shared with your bed whilst reading the whole thing.

I am truthfully suffering from a bruised forehead (It's getting awfully yellow now) as a result from reading whilst lying on my bed with the book propped up on my hands above my head. And since the copy I got was a hardcover edition, the moment my hands slipped the book, it landed straight on my face. Unfortunately, I had to go to school explaining to people why I had a strange birthmark on my head that happened overnight.

Oh the joys of having hardcovers.

My Rating: 4.5

“Cinders, I would've thought you of all people would know better. There are no wicked stepmothers and there are no fairy godmothers, and there are no Prince Charmings. There in no preordained destiny. You get to decide that. You decide your destiny. - V”

Sisters in Sanity was one of those books that rarely gets touched in my bookshelf. I bought this way back in 2012 because the cover hit me (now, literally) and so it ended up with the cobwebs in the darkest corners of my room because there were just too many books on my pile that I had to read. Then there came a time when I had a free time and there was a total blackout in my neighborhood for the whole afternoon and my Kindle's battery was somewhere nearing the dangerous edge of 14% and so I decided to check on my left-out section. And here it was.

So basically, Brit is a bad-ass character with headfirst confidence and brave disposition and it's too hard not to love her even from the beginning. The first few paragraphs on the first chapter really caught me and I can't fight myself to stop reading.


She is in a band (plus points since I'm obsessed with books centered or run around in music areas) and plays a guitar (even more points). Her life is a total downhill since her mother left after being diagnosed as schizo, saying monsters were chasing her around and so she fled far away. Then Brit's father remarried which only makes Brit's distaste for her family widen more. Which then leads to Brit ending up in Red Rock, a place that turned out to be real hellhole for troubled kids. From there she meets a certain group of people she trusts and forms a bond and eventually into a formation of a sisterhood.

It's amazing to feel how exactly fearless she is as she ventures out to find a right and prove to everyone that she belongs -- not just herself as a being but her dignity as well. The characters in the book are true to life. They are not always strong and at times when I read some pints when they'd break down and feel like there's no hope at all, that's when I realized that that is what being cogent is about.

"That's all we can do, Brit. Take steps. Take enough of them and suddenly, you're somewhere.”

The character I liked the most other than Brit was V. She is always the one who gives and shares strength to everyone as soon as everything came stumbling back down again. She is a genuine character and I acknowledge her for it.


Sisters in Sanity shows a great deal of dwindling emotions. And an inspiring on at that.

Allegiant (Divergent, #3)

Allegiant  - Veronica Roth This was so hard for me to read, especially that I already knew Tris was going to die. It was a great burden for me to get to the finish line without shedding a tear. Why did it have to be her? It was such a great loss. And poor, poor Tobias. I knew he was devastated just as I was.

Allegiant came in a fast-paced plot and everything was just rushing in and out until it went to a point where I became confused so I had to go back and reread the whole paragraph again.

I saw the alternating POVs and it almost made me gag. I noticed that Ms. Roth was trying to get the two thoughts strummed together harmoniously so that we could get both sides but sadly, it didn't work. She did perfect the whole process. In fact, it was too perfect that the two voices sounded alike and it did not help me like the story more. Even when I got to see Tobias' thoughts.

I DID NOT LIKE THE ENDING. Aside from the fact that Tris died, the whole thing came out forced and utterly disbelieving. It would have been so much better if the deaths that occurred were justified and actually worth dying for. In all honesty, Ms. Roth would have done better.

I'd say it had a bittersweet ending. Such a shame that my favorite character no longer existed. Really. I would have given this a four or five instead. Sigh.

Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices)

Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare I was supposed to write a longer review but it got caught in some random mess and the 6 paragraphs I had written got erased. Completely. It sucked to write again and back from scratch. Oh well. I guess I just have to skip all the deets and jump down to the ending where I found it totally romantic.

I had appreciated the ending (although I was a bit sad that Will had died just like any Shadowhunter did) that Tessa got to live forever. Jem had transformed from Brother Zacharia to James Carstairs again. This time, he was human and perfectly healthy. I always knew Brother Zacharia was special when he made an appearance in TMI and told Clary (I think) that he knew well about love.

Everything was just so sweet! And it kind of spooked me out when Tessa transformed into Ithuriel and groped Mortmain to death. It was all too easy and I became paranoid that Mortmain was still alive and he would come up any minute and ruin everyting again. But I was glad he didn't.

I had fun with the series!

Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices)

Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare I never thought I'd see the day that I finally enjoyed The Infernal Devices as much as I did with The Mortal Instruments. Clockwork Prince was so full and intense with emotions that it gave me a headache whilst reading throughout. I had to keep checking the brightness setting of my Kindle just to make sure it was on the lowest level (since I kept on forgetting). I swear, I was totally drawn to the whole Will-Tessa-Jem love affair. It was just so raw that I felt every pain, every happiness, pity, and joy. Needless to say, I felt everything.

The suspense was compelling and thus the reason why I gave this a 4.5 rating. Though there were times I'd crack up at the sarcasm that the characters portray and smile and be all giddy when Jem and Will both test out their luck with Tessa, there were circumstances when I felt that the story was too long and that the back story was just too detailed that it bore me out. I wanted to puke and had to take a freaking pain reliever just to clear my head. Clearly, the main plot was fine with itself all alone.

And then there were these sneaky little villians that outran the good guys. It was so devastating to know that Jessamine turned out to be such a bitch and be all blind for love. Hence betraying the Clave. I've always known to hate her right from the start and to trust her was like dipping oneself into a lake swarming with sharks and anacondas and crocs. Then Nate, then came the Herondales and lastly, Mortmain. Oh, Mortmain. What I would do if only you're real.

Kill you, stab you for a hundred times, kick your crotch, and stuff a gargantuan pipe up your arse. How's that for a welcome greeting.

Other than that, this was a remarkably good read. One of those literary art I've come to appreciate. :)

Oh, and if you come to like Magnus Bane from TMI, you'll love him even more after reading this.

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, Book 1)

Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare I have to say, The Infernal Devices is a lot similar to TMI. And it is just so frustrating to know that this story is seemingly like a "recycled version" of The Mortal Instruments. Aside from the story being a total drag and slow (thanks to Ms. Clare's ceaseless throws of side stories that doesn't really affect the main plot of the book), the main character -- Tessa Gray (similar to Clary Fray) -- snark remarks about Brother Enoch as if he just didn't save her brother's life. It took all of my strength not to hurl this book to her face when she said nasty things to Charlotte, Will, Jem and Jessamine (although I kind of like to get rid of her) about the Nephilim and how ridiculous they were. And of course, how she threatened Brother Enoch with forgiveness!

I give this 2/5 because even when I wasn't really that interested with the story (TMI is just SO much better), I think it gives me a sense of "1800s background" of the series. Like, for example, Church the cat. I just realized that it was Jem who brought him into the Institute. Such a cutie!

Free Four: Tobias Tells the Story

Free Four - 'Veronica Roth' I enjoyed this! It reminded me of the happy moments I shared with my pillow when I was reading Divergent. Aah. Those days. It seemed like ages since I read the first book!

The Prince: A Selection Novella

The Prince - Kiera Cass I expected a lot more on this novella, what with Maxon's past and all. But I guess I have to get over the aversion of expecting a lot --like a lot lot -- from books with pretty covers.

Anyway, The Prince is probably an excellent read for people who made The Selection a part of their lives. For me however, albeit the fact that it wasn't what I had in mind, was somewhat in the middle of "Ohmigod, yes I do love it!" and "Not really. I prefer to stare at my cat's poop than read the whole damn thing" (Seriously speaking though, there are only a couple of pages)

Other than that, I gave this a 4/5 because I understand Maxon now. No matter how hackneyed the whole 'I'm-attracted-to-America-even-from-the-first-day-we-met' thing.

City of Lost Souls (Mortal Instruments)

City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare I was so frustrated with Clary. She's so...I don't know. I can't even explain what she is.

Okay, so maybe she's someone with a brave sense of wisdom that leads her into an epic journey but sometimes, it gets out of hand. And I just wished that she'd be more careful and think everything else out before sauntering through the paranoia. She's getting on me now and I don't want to hate the main character of the book. Because in all honesty, as much as what everyone had been ranting about how unoriginal and bogus the plot was, it was for me a great story line. Clary's fearlessness might be handy at times I guess but I don't like the way she puts her nose on everyone's sleeves like it's her responsibility to protect everyone. And you know what? It pisses me off.

It took all of my strength not to to put down the book and leave it there hanging. And the ending? I was expecting a lot. Did it satisfy me? NO.

Lock and Key

Lock and Key - Sarah Dessen It made me cry! It was so heart-wrenching. Although I did not find the ending quite amusing because it was such a great cliffhanger.